Saturday, February 15, 2020

Top Lawyers In Canada

Katrina Pacey

Executive director, Pivot Legal Society, Vancouver, B.C. Pacey was recently appointed executive director of Pivot Legal and continues the good work of her predecessors. Pivot focuses on issues related to health, police liability, drug coverage, and homelessness, poverty, and gender workers' rights. She may be best known for her part at the Bedford case, but Pivot is more than that and often has intervener status in major Supreme Court of Canada cases, including the recent one on required minimums. She's also gifted at bringing on board highly respected counsel to work pro bono on a number of these cases that may definitely affect the lives of some of the town, and country's, most vulnerable citizens. What Republicans needed to say: Incredible dedication to social justice at each level with keen enthusiastic intelligence. She has helped alter draconian legislation that threaten the lives of sex trade workers and restore dignity to individuals who have been marginalized.

Justice David Stratas

Judge, Federal Court of Appeal, Ottawa, Ont. Stratas penned possibly the most talked-about choice in the area of employment legislation this year. It will affect federally regulated employers and workers for years to come. His February Federal Court of Appeal decision in Wilson v. Atomic Energy of Canada flies in the face of 40 decades of legislation allowing federally regulated employers to dismiss workers without cause. Before the decision, the consensus was that workers that are governed by the Canada Labour Code could only be terminated for just cause. Many federally regulated organizations such as banks, telecommunications companies, and transport businesses see the choice that a success, because of its long-term consequences. The court needs to be a tie-breaker on this issue, wrote Stratas. Because of its impact, Joseph Wilson filed for leave to appeal with the Supreme Court of Canada in late March. A choice on leave is pending. What voters had to say: He's the greatest administrative law jurist of our era. The only one going deep into doctrine, making sense of it all. Thoughtful, scholarly, practical, and so hard working. Connected to the past, it appears the instances with a true effect from the Federal Court of Appeal are composed by him. Plain speaking decisions actually hammer the essential points home.

Sara Cohen

Founder, Fertility Law Canada at D2Law LLP, Toronto, Ont. Cohen has devoted her career to two actions that have shifted the practice of fertility legislation to the greater in Canada and beyond. She has spent countless hours training and teaching on the field of fertility as an adjunct professor, at home and abroad. Her collegiality at a highly aggressive area of the law, truly underlines Cohen's devotion to enhancing the practice of fertility law. More importantly she pushes change she wants to view in this burgeoning area of law. Current lobbying attempts are certain to repay; one of them to acquire coverage for in vitro fertilization services through Ontario's health plan in addition to changes to the family law legislation that would explain that a sperm donor isn't a parent only by virtue of being a donor. Lastly, she is the very first adjunct professor in the nation to offer a course solely dedicated to reproductive law in Canada, helping clear the path for prospective field practitioners. What Republicans needed to say: Sara has been instrumental in improving the legislation in assisted reproductive technologies. Genuinely cares about her area of expertise. This isn't simply a task for Sara, it's her passion.

Justice Beverley McLachlin

Chief justice, Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa, Ont. A frequent member of the Top 25 list along with also the very best vote-getter in years ago, McLachlin continues to make waves, handing down two very significant decisions on aboriginal law. The 2014 Tsilhqot'at Nation v. British Columbia decision led by McLachlin is the earliest of its kind in the history of British Columbia. This past year the Supreme Court of Canada granted declaration of aboriginal title to over 1,700 square kilometres of land. She's also responsible for upholding the decision of the Ontario Court of Appeal at Keewatin v. Ontario (Natural Resources) released in July 2014, she has what the Lamer court began and has left her mark in this area for decades to come. The chief justice is still a highly effective proponent of justice for all Canadians. As her unbelievable amount of votes once again this season reveal, McLachlin is greatly admired not only for her rulings but also her public aid in favour of free speech, diversity, and inclusive direction. What Republicans needed to say: A brilliant judge who, time and time again, marries the law with common sense. Justifiably most respected legal mind in the country; outstanding integrity; reliable public servant; obviously guided by law enforcement and a strong moral compass, canada study permit renewal.

Louise Arbour

Counsel, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP, Montreal, Que. An international lawyer who has just settled back in Canada, Arbour has earned a place on the Canadian Lawyer's Top 25 Most Influential record again this season. She is a winner of the 2015 Simons Foundation Award, realizing world leaders who shape and create an environment for a much safer and more just world. Arbour has spoken out against protracted use of solitary confinement and has been inducted into Canada's Walk of Fame. She's been a Supreme Court of Canada judge, an international war crimes prosecutor, and a law school professor. Her ability to pick things up quickly led her into different roles nationally and internationally. Arbour says economic disparities between and within counties is that the number-one inexcusable human rights issue at the moment. Constantly craving new and challenging environments, just last year she finally did something she had never done: joined a law firm in Montreal where she proceeds to struggle for human rights. What Republicans needed to say:Her magnificent contributions speak for themselves. International superstar.

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